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October 28, 2010


Matt Adams

Thanks for your post. In fact, the system is automated with a system of flagging messages to human operators if particular keywords arise. Unfortunately you were one of three people who found a the bug relating to having a dead parent. We had anticipated this and scripted for it, but the parser didn't work.

The project is not aimed at NEETs but is intended to go to places that online cannot reach. We want to allow people to discuss personal questions around sex and drugs in an intimate setting but there are, of course, considerable limits to this approach. We're still learning how much intimacy to invite before it becomes unsustainable/unethical. Our experience from this most recent trial is that there are some fantastically moving exchanges between participants and Ivy.

As to antecedents, Ivy4Evr draws heavily on our previous project Day Of The Figurines:

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