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October 11, 2010



Hi, I'm the producer of TEDxLeeds - thanks for your earlier tweet (https://twitter.com/#!/fishRpeople2/status/27019653160).

The innovation of governance is an area that's critical in understanding the future of cities and I'm hoping that speakers such as Julian Tait will help us do so.

Technology's only an enabler of course - and 'smarter cities' arent simply about instrumenting an environment but connecting and enabling people to 'work' their city as they'd like to; what do we want that 'enabler' to enable :)

Some of that is democracy, some governance and some just good community…


I shouldn't accept any credit for the use of your tedxleeds hashtag other than to steal your credibility and audience, but it looks a great event and I'm definitely coming.


LOL, ok I thought the hashtag was to draw out some critique of the programme…!


Only in so far as I meant a general critique of "smart cities" and "open data".

I think smart cities are a political science problem not a technology problem, and, as the bloke from IBM also said (he gave an excellent talk, regardless of my cynicism about what the motives of his employers might be) "data isn't truth".

What I like about the Tedxleeds programme is you've tried to connect it to the wider life of the city. Politics comes from "polis" meaning the life of the city-state (including surrounding rural areas) and that should mean everything, from technology innovation at the universites of the city-region to social care for adults. They are all part of the complex system.

If I had a humble question it would be why put so much good work into a brand owned by some Californians? (I can see the reasons, publicity, recognisability to the wider public and so on, it just wouldn't have been my artistic choice.)

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Cheap Cheep: @fishRpeople2

andrew at blinkmedia dot org

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