Take a look at our country though the lens of these eight evidence-based scientific instruments.
Draw the necessary conclusions. Don't kid yourself. Don't let yourself hide.
Act on them.
You will be happier. Because we all will.
1. Self-defeating work should be discouraged by suitable taxation.
2. Producers matter as much as consumers. They should be incentivated by professional norms and not by ever more financial incentives.
3. We should not promote the search for status, and we should limit dysfunctional advertising.
4. Income should be redistributed towards where it makes most difference.
5. Secure work should be promoted by welfare-to-work and reasonable employment protection. Secure pensions may require a state earnings-related scheme.
6. Security at home and in the community will be reduced if there is too much geographical mobility.
7. Mental health should receive much higher priority.
8. We should actively promote participatory democracy.
from Richard Layard "What would make a happier society?"