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October 26, 2004


Nicolas Nova

We did a kind of prototyping experiments I reported here:
http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/staf/nova/blog/. It provides a kind of short list of geo-annotation uses.


sorry here is the link: http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/staf/nova/blog/2004/06/08/research-collaborative-mapping-ideas/

Mauro Cherubini

In one of my recent post I was trying to give my point of view on this topic saying that it is difficult to think about one of these geo-annotation applications which is not "social".

Of course we are kind of ego-centered in our lives, and tagging place is not going to be free from our ego. I would rather discuss the fact that the center and the motivation for tagging places is not going to be the great public. On the contrary, to me the focus should be the small group, the group of peers.


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