I went to the Creative Crossings (very nicely organised and paid for by the Arts Council, Banff and M-cult) and Mobile Connections "locative media" workshops a couple of weeks ago.
I scribbled down some stuff and have sifted it a fortnight later according to whether I can read my own handwriting or remember why I wrote it down (and thinking about it, decay of information was something that came up):
active and passive metadata and observations. someone's camera phone as opposed to RFID chip record of purchase - Jo Walsh
How people react to data in the system becomes metadata in itself - Mauri Kaipainen
pdpal.com - Michelle Kasprzak
repetition. maps and traces - ?
"self defined location" - Marc Tuters
idea of privacy is culture and history bound - Anne Galloway
fun is activism of the best possible kind - me ;-) (and reminded of it again seeing wifi hog presented)