Reading Emergence by Steven Johnson and Understanding Social Behaviour with the Help of Complexity Science by Charlotte Hemelrijk made me wonder if this should be called Antsarepeopletoo.
The reason it's not is because of the word "shoal", which is the least weighed down word I could think of for behaviour in a group that includes a sense of cohesion and purpose, and also has that explicit comparison with animals.
Everything else - "herd" "swarm" "mob" - brings other kinds of echoes with it, either too stupid, too clever or too nasty.
I didn't want to prejudge anything with a name, and one of the things I've consciously been trying to avoid is going straight down that "always on panopticon" road.
It's not that I don't think that's going to happen, it's just that it's almost too obvious. Maybe if we don't go for those kinds of names straight away, we might spot something else interesting.
The other possible word is "flock", but that just makes me think of chickens.